4G Kit Rentals Terms & Conditions

WiFiMax Pty Ltd
Ph.02 90672061 I E-mail: info@wifimax.com.au

Terms and Conditions
Wifimax Pty Ltd, trading as WiFiMax ("WiFiMax") and you ("Customer"), the person placing an order with WiFimax, hereby agree to the following Terms of Use and Rental Agreement ("TOU") with respect to the rental equipment and related services provided by WiFiMax  collectively referred to as the (“Products”). This TOU is accepted by Customer upon placement of an order and constitutes a binding and enforceable legal agreement between the parties. This TOU can only be modified in writing by an officer of WiFiMax. Specifically, this TOU cannot be modified by any WiFiMax representative over the phone or by email. For the purposes of this agreement, Products shall be defined as, but are not limited to: 4G Internet Kit Lite, 4G Internet Kit Go, 4G Internet Kit Pro, Satellite Internet & WiFi, Point to Point Internet & WiFi, Fibre Optics Gig-E Internet & WiFi and all associated components, technology and peripheral equipment provided as part of a WiFiMax rental.
1.1. If Customer is an entity and not an individual, then the person accepting this TOU represents and warrants that he/she has been properly authorized and empowered to do so on behalf of such entity.
1.2. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Customer is executing and agreeing to be bound by the terms of this TOU after fully reviewing and understanding the terms and conditions set forth herein, and after having the opportunity to consult legal counsel and negotiate any terms Customer believes require modification.
1.3. By providing WiFiMax with payment, Customer represents that he/she is at least 18 years of age, is authorized to make charges on such account, and accepts this TOU
1.4. For customer protection, rental orders must be submitted on WiFiMax website (https://www.wifimax.com.au) or email at info@wifimax.com.au
2.Payment, Rental Period
2.1. Customer shall pay the rental charges for the Products reflected on WiFiMax website at the time of the reservation or as invoiced by WiFiMax (the "Rental Charges"). When using WiFiMax's common carrier, possession of products and liability for loss/damage/theft to products shall pass from WiFiMax to Customer F.O.B. destination, remain with Customer during entire rental, and pass back to WiFiMax  F.O.B. origin (the “Rental Period”). When using Customer’s common carrier, possession of Products and risk of loss/damage/theft to Products shall pass from WiFiMax to Customer F.O.B. origin, remain with Customer during entire rental, and pass back to WiFiMax F.O.B. destination: A1/35-39 Bourke Road, Alexandria, NSW 2015, Australia (the “Rental Period”). Return shipping costs are the responsibility of Customer.
2.2. Products will be delivered on or before the Customer’s requested delivery date and may be used upon arrival through the last day of the rental. Customer’s requested delivery date shall be no more than 3 business day prior to the 1st date of the rental. All Products must be returned to the common carrier no later than 5:00 pm, 1 business day after the last date of the rental to avoid late fees of $ 100.00 per day including GST.
2.3 All rentals must be paid in full at the time an order. Rental payment may be made via Direct Credit WiFiMax bank account. Account and bank information will be shown on the invoice issued by WiFiMax
2.4. Customer is responsible for all rental charges, shipping and handling fees, third-party delivery fees, all applicable taxes, cancellation fees, late payment fees, charges for lost/damaged/stolen products.
2.5. Rental reservations are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Prices are subject to availability. WiFiMax retains the right to deny service to any Customer or cancel an already scheduled rental prior to shipment in accordance with the refund policy described in this TOU
3. Product Delivery
3.1. WiFiMax shall deliver the Products to Customer at the shipping or delivery address designated by Customer. WiFiMax  reserves the right to choose the common carrier and shipment method best suited for the delivery of the Products, in its sole discretion.
3.2. If Customer requests delivery to a hotel, Customer must provide the name of a registered guest staying at that hotel. On the shipping label WiFiMax will list the guest's name beneath the hotel's name. Hotels will accept and hold packages only on behalf of registered guests. (If Customer’s trade show takes place at a hotel, Customer must also be a registered guest staying overnight at that hotel in order to have the Products shipped there.)
3.3. WiFiMax shall use reasonable efforts to deliver the Products on or by the requested delivery date but shall not incur any liability in the event of any delay. Customer or Customer’s agent shall accept the Products when delivered on or before the requested delivery date. There will be no charge to the Customer for additional day(s) if Customer receives the Products early. In the event the Products are delivered after the requested delivery date, Customer may request a partial refund in accordance with the refund policy described in this TOU.
3.4. If, for any reason, Customer or Customer’s agent/representative/hotel fails or refuses to accept the Products when delivered by the common carrier on or before the delivery date, Customer shall be liable for the stated Rental Charges (as defined herein) and any applicable cancellation charge. e. Customer shall inspect the Products upon receipt and immediately notify WiFiMax if any Products are missing/stolen/damaged or otherwise not as originally ordered. WiFiMax shall undertake its best efforts to correct the problem as soon as reasonably possible upon being notified.
3.5. It is the Customer’s responsibility to enquire with the hotel as to the whereabouts of the Product. Further, no refunds will be issued for Products delivered in a timely manner to the Customer’s specified delivery address and not retrieved by the Customer or their representative.
4. Product Return
4.1. Unless otherwise arranged with WiFiMax, Customer or Customer’s agent/representative shall return the Products to WiFiMax at the end of the rental.
4.2. Unless otherwise arranged with WiFiMax,  WiFiMax designated return address is: A1/35-39 Bourke Road, Alexandria, NSW 2015

4.3. Products shall be returned in good working order and in the same condition in which Products were delivered to Customer.
4.4. Customer shall return the Products directly to WiFiMax address or may use a courier at its discretion. Return courier costs shall be supported by the Customer

4.5. Should Customer return the Products using means other than those specified by WiFiMax, all Rental Charges will continue to accrue, and Customer will remain liable for any additional charges and any damage to the Products while in transit.
5. Late Fees
5.1. WiFiMax is entitled to charge the Customer on a delayed basis, at any time after the Products have been returned for any Products that are returned to WiFiMax designated common carrier later than 1 business day after the last date of the rental. Customer will be charged for one day of rental charges for each 24 hour period that the Products are in Customer’s or Customer’s agent’s possession. No refunds or partial credits will be issued for Products returned early. Late fees are charged at rate of $ 100.00 including GST per day (24 hours).
6. Theft/Loss/Damage to the Products During a Rental
6.1. For Products returned with any components or pieces missing, Customer shall be charged the full replacement value as listed on WiFiMax current Replacement Parts Price List, due and payable immediately. WiFiMax current Replacement Parts Price List is available for review upon request.
6.2 In the event customer is unable to return the procuct (Products are lost or stolen or damaged in full) customer will pay the full value of the products WiFiMax within 10 days.
6.3 Full product value on WiFiMax Lite Kit : $ 4,790.00 + GST for 1 product or kit
6.4 Full product value on WiFiMax Lite Go : $ 5,790.00 + GST for 1 product or kit
6.5 Full product value on WiFiMax Lite Pro : $ 6,790.00 + GST for 1 product or kit

7. Refunds and 100% Money-Back Guarantee
7.1. WiFiMax will provide an 50% refund of the total Rental Charges, including shipping and handling, for an order cancelled by the Customer at least 5 days prior to Customer’s requested delivery date. No refunds will be issued for any other cancellations except as described below. No refund will be issued for cancellations requested by customer 4 days or less prior to delivery date.
7.2. WiFiMax will provide Customer with a 100% refund of all Rental Charges, including shipping and handling fees, if WiFiMax fails to ship the ordered Products or cancels an already scheduled rental prior to shipment.
7.3. WiFiMax will provide Customer with a 100% refund of all Rental Charges (including shipping and handling) if Customer is not fully satisfied with the rented products. To qualify, customer must contact WiFiMax during the rental period and give WiFiMax an opportunity to resolve any problems. If customer feels WiFiMax is unable to resolve the problem, customer shall then contact WiFiMax and clearly state a refund request during the rental period and also cease using the products and return all products to WiFiMax  within 24 hours. Customer must produce a common carrier receipt and tracking number to prove that products have been returned within the requisite time period.
7.4 No refunds will be issued for claims made by Customer after the conclusion of the rental
7.5. No refunds will be issued for inability to maintain a satisfactory WiFi connection using the 2.4 GHz (802.11 b/g/n) WiFi spectrum band.
Since WiFi signals in the Australia must be broadcast within the 2.4 or 5 GHz public spectrum bands at crowded trade shows there is a significant risk your WiFi signal will interfere with others, rendering it unusable. To help our clients overcome this challenge we employ a channel selection strategy using best practices. The newer 5 GHz public WiFi spectrum band has a total of 21 non-overlapping channels from which to choose. As a result, the 5 GHz band carries much less risk of interference. We program each Internet Kit's Cradlepoint router to seek out and broadcast its WiFi signal on the least crowded 5 GHz WiFi channel (choosing from 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, and 165).

7.6. Client is liable to cover all costs associated with collection of fees, including, but not limited to, payments made to collection agency and/or fee paid to legal counsel for the purposes of collection.
8. Data Usage
8.1 4G/5G Internet Kit rentals include data as indicated in the product description.
8.2 Satellite internet rentals include unlimited data usage